| Kraken Japan


(English follows)



このようなご報告となり、誠に申し訳ございません。現在の日本市場を取り巻く情勢と世界的な暗号資産市場の低迷をもとに検討を進めた結果、Krakenが日本でのビジネスをさらに成長させるために必要なリソースの投下は困難との結論に至りました。Krakenは今後、Payward Asia株式会社を通じて日本の顧客にサービスを提供することはありません。日本での事業を停止するという決定は、Krakenの事業全体に重大な影響を与えるものではなく、Krakenは、顧客が金融の自由と包摂を達成できるように暗号通貨の受容を加速させるという使命に引き続きコミットしています。


日本時間の2月1日 午前0時(00:00 JST)までに引き出されなかった米ドル、ユーロおよび暗号資産の保有資産は、クラーケンの販売所取引により、自動的に日本円に換価されます(取引所取引に伴う手数料が適用されます)。

2022年12月28日   廃業の公告
2023年1月31日     暗号資産交換業の廃止
2023年2月1日       日本円への換価および供託手続きの開始
2023年2月中(予定)   供託手続きの完了のお知らせ


We would like to inform you that after due consideration, Kraken has decided to cease its operations in Japan and deregister from the Financial Services Agency (JFSA) as of January 31, 2023. The decision is part of Kraken’s efforts to prioritize resources and investments in those areas that align with our strategy and will best position Kraken for long term success.

Current market conditions in Japan in combination with a weak crypto market globally mean the resources needed to further grow our business in Japan aren’t justified at this time. As a result, Kraken will no longer service clients in Japan through Payward Asia.

We value the trust our clients put in us and we will do what we can to minimize the impact of our decision for you. That’s why we are committed to ensure a seamless transition and we hope the information in this article will help you decide what is the best option for you. Kraken is fully funded to ensure all affected clients can withdraw their assets in a timely manner.

What this means for you

In accordance with guidance from the JFSA, all affected Kraken clients have until January 31, 2023 to withdraw their fiat and crypto holdings from Kraken’s platform. You may choose to either withdraw your crypto holdings to an external wallet or liquidate your portfolio and withdraw your JPY to a domestic bank account.

On January 9, deposit functionality will be removed from your account. Trading functionality will remain so that you can convert your balance to the asset of your choice. In addition, withdrawal limits have been removed for the month of January to ensure you can remove your assets from Kraken. Funds currently staked with Kraken can be unstaked and transferred or converted as desired. Kraken will soon be distributing additional info regarding the ETH unstaking process shortly. Any remaining non-JPY fiat (e.g. USD, EUR) and crypto holdings held on Kraken after February 1 00:00 JST will be automatically converted to JPY and Kraken’s Instant Buy fee will be applied.

After the deregistration has been completed on January 31, Kraken will send any remaining JPY to a Guaranty Account at the Legal Affairs Bureau in accordance with legal requirements. If you do not take any action before January 31, you will have to coordinate with the Legal Affairs Bureau on how to retrieve your JPY balance. Once funds have been transferred to the Legal Affairs Bureau, Kraken will no longer be able to support client withdrawals.


If you have any further questions about the above, or would like support in helping you transfer or withdraw your funds please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Our customer support team is available 24/7.