| Kraken Intelligence

2018 Crypto-in-Review

If 2017 was the year to HODL, then 2018 was the year to BUIDL™; and in many respects, 2018 was a momentous year for the crypto industry. In this year’s Crypto-in-Review, we discuss the four must-follow trends for traders, which we believe will drive meaningful industry impact into 2019 and beyond. Though 2018 represented a tough year, there remain significant challenges and hurdles. Looking forward, we’re optimistic on the long-term evolution of the markets, driven by new products across diverse entrants. We’re encouraged by examples of novel legal frameworks that will bring additional clarity to the industry and promote new, disruptive competition against the incumbency. And lastly, we’re excited about near-term efforts to bring cryptocurrency to commercial scale.

Though we discuss and draw on several headwinds early into 2019, we feel that the market has begun to properly discount not only the risk, but also a reasoned expectation around the pace of change. Remember, bitcoin has been declared dead in the short-run over 300 times, but ten years later, we’re still here.

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