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イーサリアム暗号資産消費貸借約款 Terms and Conditions of Ethereum Loan for Consumption Agreement

English follows Japanese

*English version is a referential translation of the original Japanese version of the Terms and Conditions of Ethereum Loan for Consumption Agreement. In the case of discrepancy between the English version and the original Japanese version of the Terms and Conditions of Ethereum Loan for Consumption Agreement, the original Japanese version shall prevail.

本契約約款(以下「本約款」といいます。)は、Payward Asia株式会社(以下「PA」といいます。)の顧客がPayward Trading Ltd (以下「PTL」といい、PAと合わせて「Kraken」といいます。)に対して、PAの媒介によりイーサリアムを貸し出す「イーサリアム貸暗号資産サービス(ステーキング・サービス)」(以下「本サービス」といい、第1条に定義します。)のご利用条件を定めるものです。本サービスをご利用になる方は、本約款に同意する前に、必ず全文お読み下さいますようお願いいたします。なお、本約款に同意された方を「お客様」といい、本約款に基づきお客様とPTLとの間で成立する対象暗号資産の消費貸借契約を「本契約」といいます。      

第1章 総 則

第1条(定 義) 





(4) 「政府等」とは、国の政府又はその政治的下部組織、及び政府の又はこれに関連する行政、立法、司法、課税、規制又は管理の権限又は機能を行使する機関、当局、規制機関、裁判所、その他の団体を意味します。




(8)「代替物」とは、貸借物と同種・同量・同等の対象暗号資産(ETH、及び、ETHネットワーク・アップグレードによりビーコンチェーン上で割り当てられるEthreum 2.0(イーサリアム2.0。以下「ETH2」といいます。)を含みますが、これに限りません。)をいいます。 

(9) 「事務処理期間」とは、貸借物に関して、本契約の終了後代替物の返還までに要する期間をいいます。当該事務処理期間はKrakenにより決定され、本契約終了時にお客様に通知されます。












(1)  ETHネットワーク・アップグレードが完全に完了し、かつ、暗号資産交換業者としてのPAがETH 2の取扱いを開始した場合(以下、まとめて「ETH2アップグレード対応」といいます。)としてPAがお客様に通知した時点

(2)  ETH2アップグレード対応がその全部又は一部において完全に完了しないことが客観的に確定した場合としてPAがお客様に通知した時点



 お客様は、Krakenが特定のハードフォーク、エアドロップ又は新たに暗号資産等が配布される類似の現象について、これらにより発生する暗号資産等を取り扱うかどうかをその裁量により決定することができること、当該暗号資産等を取り扱う義務を負わないこと、また、仮に当該暗号資産等を取り扱う場合には本契約が適用されることを認めます。Kraken は、その裁量により、当該暗号資産等又はその代わりに同等の日本円をお客様に配布することを選択することもできます。ただし、本条の記載にかかわらず、本条は、ETHネットワーク・アップグレードに関しては適用されないものとします。


第2章 募集及び契約等






(1) 本契約に基づいてPTLがお客様の暗号資産を借り受ける行為は、資金決済に関する法律第2条第7項に規定する暗号資産の管理に該当せず、PTLが借り受けている暗号資産は、同法第63条の11に基づく分別管理の対象とはならないこと。
















1 お客様が次の各号に該当した場合、PTLは、直ちに本契約の全部又は一部を解除することができるものとします。

   (1) 本口座開設時又は本契約のお申込み時に虚偽の情報を提供し、又は申告をした場合

   (2) 本サービスに適用される規約等(本約款及び本規約を含むがこれに限られない。)に違反した場合

   (3) 適用法令等に違反した場合

   (4) その他、PTLがお客様と本契約を継続することが適当でないと判断した場合

2  PTLが前項の規定により本契約の全部又は一部を解除した場合には、以下の定めに従うものとします。

   (1) PTLは、第16条の定めに従って、対象となる貸借物を返還するものとします。

   (2) 当該貸借物に関し、PTLから貸借料は支払われないものとします。

   (3) お客様は、PTLが別途定める手数料をPTLが合理的に定める方法で支払うものとします。この場合、PTLは、(1)に基づく貸借物の返還にあたり、当該手数料を差し引くことができるものとします。



1 PTLは、前条の定めにかかわらず、やむを得ない事由がある場合には本契約の全部又は一部を解除し、いつでも貸借物の返還をすることができるものとします。

2 PTLは、前項に基づく解除を行う場合、16条の定めにしたがって貸借物を返還すると共に、当該解除の時期がETH2アップグレード対応の発生後であったときは、第14条及び第15条の規定に基づいて貸借料を支払うこととします。


第3章 貸借料及び代替物の返還








1 貸借物に係る貸借料aは、当該貸借物の契約期間終了前に、ETH2アップグレード対応が発生したことをPAがお客様に通知した場合にのみ支払われます。それ以外の場合には、お客様には、本契約に基づく貸借料a又はその他の金額(本契約に基づき発生する貸借料bは除く)は支払われません。

2 貸借物に対して貸借料aが支払われる場合、PTLは契約期間の満了日から合理的期間内に、前条所定の手数料を差し引いた上で、当該貸借物の貸借料aをお客様の口座に入金します。

3 PTLは、各貸借料b算定日から合理的期間内(「貸借料b発生日」といいます。)に、貸借物に係る貸借料bを、お客様の口座に入金します。ただし、以下のいずれかの場合は、その時点以降は貸借料bは支払われません。


②ETH2アップグレード対応がその全部又は一部において完全に完了しないこと等に起因して、貸借料b の原資となるETHがステーキングにより発生しなくなった場合









第4章 通知及び届出





1 本約款は、法令の変更若しくは監督官庁の指示又は一般社団法人日本暗号資産取引業協会が定める諸規則の変更があった場合、その他Krakenが必要と認める事由が生じた場合に変更されることがあります。

2 PTLは、本約款を変更する場合には、本約款を変更する旨、当該変更内容及び当該変更の効力発生時期を電子メールの送信又はPAのウェブサイト(への掲載により通知するものとします。効力発生日以降に、お客様が本サービスを利用した場合には、お客様は、本約款の変更に同意したものとみなし、以後変更後の約款が適用されるものとします。


第5章 その他












第23条 (完全合意)





This loan for consumption agreement (the “Loan Agreement”) sets out the Terms and Conditions under which clients of Payward Asia Inc., a Kabushiki Kaisha incorporated under the laws of Japan  (“PAI”) lend Ethereum to Payward Trading Ltd. (“PTL”), with PAI acting as intermediary. (PAI and PTL together “Kraken”). Clients who use Staking Services (as defined below) shall read the full text prior to agreeing to this Loan Agreement.  The client accepting this Loan Agreement is referred to below as the “Client.”

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 (Definitions)

Terms used in this Loan Agreement shall be defined as follows.

  1. “Applicable Law” means any applicable (i)laws, ordinances, regulations, orders, rules, treaties, codes of practice, guidelines, policy statements, customary laws, injunctions, or judgments and any (ii) ruling, declaration, regulation, requirement, request or interpretation issued by any regulatory, judicial, administrative or other governmental body or person, and self-regulatory body.
  2. “Crypto Assets” means Ethereum (ETH).
  3. “ETH Network Upgrade” means the anticipated interconnected upgrades which include, but are not limited to, the implementation of Proof-of-Stake on the ETH network.
  4. “Governmental Authority” means the government of any other nation, or of any political subdivision thereof, and any agency, authority, regulatory body, court or other entity exercising executive, legislative, judicial, taxing, regulatory or administrative powers or functions of or pertaining to government.
  5. “Loan Unit” has the meaning given to it in Article 2.
  6. “Proof-of-Stake” means a mechanism whereby one can contribute to the verification and approval process for transactions on a block chain and receive rewards for the contributions.
  7. “Staking Services” means the service whereby PTL provides staking of ETH, using Client Loan Units, in one or more proof-of-stake blockchain nodes.
  8. “Substitute Items” means crypto assets of the same, same quantity, and equivalent to the borrowed Crypto Assets including, but not limited to, ETH and Ethereum 2.0 (“ETH2”) assigned on the beacon chain after the ETH Network Upgrade.
  9. “Processing Period” means, with respect to a Loan Unit, the time period between the expiration or earlier termination of this Loan Agreement with respect to such Loan Unit and the date of return of Substitute Items applicable to such Loan Unit, such time period to be set by PTL in its sole reasonable discretion and communicated at the time of termination of this Loan Agreement.
  10. “Usage Fee” has the meaning given to it in Article 14.
  11. “Usage Fee Rate” means, with respect to a Loan Unit, the rate used to calculate Usage Fee (if any) for such Loan Unit, as separately set forth by PTL (and as may be updated by PTL from time to time).


Article 2 (Loan Unit)

  From time to time, Client may elect to lend PTL certain Crypto Assets.  The number of Crypto Assets that PTL accepts from Client in an individual transaction is called a “Loan Unit”. Loan Units will be subject at all times to the terms of this Loan Agreement.  PTL has no obligation to accept any Crypto Assets from Client, and may condition, set a minimum number of Crypto Assets in a Loan Unit, or withhold acceptance of Loan Units from Client for any reason. 


Article 3 (Return by Substitute Items)

 For each Loan Unit, the number of Substitute Items returned by PTL to Client under this Loan Agreement shall be the same as the number of Crypto Assets in such Loan Unit, or other requisite number as the case may be.


Article 4 (Contract Period)

For each Loan Unit, the “Contract Period” of such Loan Unit shall be the period from the conclusion of this Loan Agreement with respect to such Loan Unit (as outlined in Article 8), to the earliest date on which any of the following events occur (or to the date on which this Loan Agreement is terminated in accordance with its terms, whichever is earlier);

  1. When PAI notifies Client that (i) ETH Network Upgrades have been fully completed  and (ii) PAI, as a crypto asset exchange business operator, has implemented the management of ETH2 ((i) and (ii) together, the “ETH2 Facilitation Event.”)
  2. When PAI notifies Client that it is objectively certain that the ETH2 Facilitation Event will not, in whole or in part, occur.


Article 5 (Network Forks and Airdrops)

Client acknowledges that Kraken retains sole discretion and has no obligation to support any particular forks, airdrops or similar distribution, and that such support remains in all instances subject to this Loan Agreement. Kraken may, in its sole discretion, elect to distribute such additional assets or the Japanese Yen equivalent of such additional assets to Client. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the foregoing, this Article 5 shall not apply to the ETH2 Facilitation Event. 


Chapter 2 Solicitation and Contracts

Article 6 (Application for Loan Agreement)

In order to enter into this Loan Agreement, Client must (i) open (and maintain in good standing) a Client account (an “Account”) in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of Use available on PAI`s webpage ( (“Service Terms”) (ii) accept this Loan Agreement from within the Account, and (iii) submit an application (“Application”), with such form and substance as PTL may require.


Article 7 (Handling of Borrowed Crypto Assets)

Client acknowledge and agree that:

  1. PTL’s borrowing of Client’s Crypto Assets under this Loan Agreement does not fall under the management of crypto assets stipulated in Article 2 (7) of the Payment Service Act of Japan, and Crypto Assets borrowed by PTL are not subject to segregated management in accordance with Article 63-11 of the same Act, and;
  2. Client shall not have the right of preferential reimbursement under Article 63-19-2 (1) of the Payment Service Act for any Crypto Assets.


Article 8 (Conclusion of Loan Agreement)

This Loan Agreement shall be effective with respect to a Loan Unit upon the completion of delivery of all Crypto Assets in such Loan Unit from Client to PTL.  PTL will hold all Loan Units on its own behalf.


Article 9 (Delivery of Crypto Assets)

By completing an Application, Client irrevocably instructs PAI to deliver all Crypto Assets in a Loan Unit as described in such Application to PTL. 


Article 10 (Termination by Client)

Client may not request (and is not entitled) to terminate this Loan Agreement at any time.


Article 11 (Midterm Sale, Trade, Transfer, Withdrawal, Use)

Client may not sell, trade, transfer, withdraw, or otherwise use, all or any part of a Loan Unit  during the applicable Contract Period and/or the Processing Period.


Article 12 (Termination rights of PTL)

  1. PTL may terminate this Loan Agreement (with respect to any or all Loan Units) immediately in the event;
    1. Client has provided false information, or a false declaration at the time of registering an Account, and/or submitting the Application for Loan Agreement.
    2. Client has committed a breach of any terms and conditions (including but not limited to the Loan Agreement and/or the Service Terms) applicable to the Staking Services.
    3. Client has violated any Applicable Laws and/or regulations
    4. PTL determines, in their sole discretion, that a continuation of the Loan Agreement with the Client is not in its best interest.
  2. In the event PTL terminates the Loan Agreement (with respect to any, or all Loan Units) pursuant to Item 1 of this Article 12, PTL will return the affected Loan Unit(s) to Client in accordance with the following provisions;
    1. PTL shall return the affected Loan Unit(s)in accordance with the provisions of Article 16.
    2. No Usage Fees for the Loan Units shall be payable by PTL to Client. 
    3. Client shall pay the cancellation fee separately stipulated by PTL in a manner reasonably set by PTL (or, at PTL’s election, PTL shall be entitled to deduct the relevant cancellation fee when returning the affected Loan Unit(s) to Client pursuant to subsection (a)).


Article 13 (Termination Rights of PTL)

  1. Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding article, if there is any compelling reason, PTL shall be entitled to terminate the Loan Agreement (with respect to any or all Loan Units)  and return the affected Loan Unit(s) at any time. 
  2. PTL shall return the affected Loan Unit(s)in accordance with the provisions of Article 16 and if payable under the terms of this Loan Agreement, (i.e., the termination of the Loan Agreement has not occurred prior to the ETH2 Facilitation Event) pay any owed Usage Fee in accordance with Articles 14 and 15. 

Chapter 3 Payment of Usage Fee and Return of Substitute Items

Article 14 (Usage Fee)

The Usage Fee as used herein means, prior to September 16, 2022, the following “Usage Fee A”, and on and after September 16, 2022, the following “Usage Fee A” and “Usage Fee B” individually or collectively.

(1) Usage Fee A

From time to time starting on around the 20th day following the date on which this Loan Agreement is effective, PTL will, calculate the estimated Usage Fee A for a Loan Unit based on the then-applicable Usage Fee A Rate. This amount may be reflected in Client’s Account but is only an estimate and provided for informational purposes only. 

The actual “Usage Fee A” for a Loan Unit (if any) shall be the amount calculated following the ETH2 Facilitation Event by multiplying the final Usage Fee A Rate and the quantity of Crypto Assets in such Loan Unit.  Client shall bear PTL’s administration or similar fee, as communicated separately to Client, and acknowledges that the Usage Fee may be adjusted for such fee.

(2) Usage Fee B

From time to time, following the execution of this Loan Agreement, PTL will calculate the Usage Fee B (deducting PTL’s administration or similar fee, as communicated separately to Client) for a Loan Unit based on the then-applicable Usage Fee B Rate on each Usage Fee B Calculation Date (the date separately determined by PTL as the date on which the Usage Fee B is calculated for each Loan Unit).


Article 15 (Payment of Usage Fee and Date of Payment)

  1. Usage Fees A for a Loan Unit are only payable in the event that the ETH2 Facilitation Event has occurred prior to the end of such Loan Unit’s Contract Period.  Otherwise, no Usage Fee A or other amounts (other than the Usage Fee B accruing under this Agreement) will be owed to Client under this Loan Agreement. 
  2. In the event Usage Fee A are payable for a Loan Unit, PTL shall credit Client’s Account for the Usage Fees A of such Loan Unit within a reasonable period after the date of expiration of the Contract Period, after deducting the fee as prescribed in the preceding article.
  3. PTL shall credit Client’s Account for the Usage Fee B of a Loan Unit within a reasonable period after each Usage Fee B Calculation Date (Usage Fee B Credit Date), provided, however, that no Usage Fee B shall be owed or credited to Client’s Account after one of the following cases occurs;

(i) in the event of termination of this Agreement for any reason, including cancellation, prior to the Usage Fee B Calculation Date, or post the Usage Fee B Calculation Date but prior to the Usage Fee B Credit Date

(ii) in the event that the ETH2 Facilitation Event will not fully completed, in whole or in part, and ETH which is the source of the Usage Fee B ceases to accrue through the staking process.




Article 16 (Return of Loan Unit and Date of Return)

   With respect to each Loan Unit, PTL shall, within the Processing Period of such Loan Unit, return such Loan Unit to Client by transferring the applicable Substitute Items (as selected by PTL in a commercially reasonable manner) to Client’s Account.

   For clarity, PTL’s compliance with this Article 16 (and payment of any payable Usage Fees) will be deemed to fully extinguish PTL’s obligations to Client under such Loan Unit.  


Article 17 (Prohibition of Termination of the Account)

Client may not terminate their Account during the Contract Period or Processing Period.


Chapter 4 Notification

Article 18 (Confirmation of Conditions)

 Clients may confirm the applicable Usage Fee Rate and Loan Unit(s) within their Account.


Article 19 (Change of Loan Agreement)

  1. PTL may for any reason, or no reason, make changes, modifications and updates to this Loan Agreement, in its sole discretion at any time. Such reasons include, but are not limited to, a change in laws, regulations, instructions from a competent government agency, a change in the rules and regulations stipulated by the Japan Virtual and Crypto assets Exchange Association. 
  2. PTL shall notify, affected clients via email and/or posting on the PAI webpage (, of such change, modification and/ or update to this Agreement, the details of such change, and the effective date of the change. In the event Client uses Staking Services after the effective date, the customer shall be deemed to have agreed to the change in this Loan Agreement and the revised terms and conditions shall apply to Client.


Chapter 5 Others

Article 20 (Prohibition of Transfer, etc.)

Clients may not assign, pledge or otherwise collateralize this Loan Agreement, any contractual rights, and/or status under this Loan Agreement to any third party.


Article 21 (Disclaimer)

PTL assumes, to the maximum extent allowed by law, no liability towards the Client or any third party for any special, indirect or consequential damages, or any other damages of any kind, including but not limited to loss of use, loss of profits or loss of data. 

PTL shall not be liable for any inaccuracy, error, delay in, or omission of (i) any information, or (ii) the transmission or delivery of information.  Further, PTL shall not be liable for, or be considered to be in breach of or default under this Agreement on account of, any delay or failure to perform as a result of any cause or condition  beyond PTL’s reasonable control, including but not limited to enactment, revision or abolition of laws and regulations, disposition of orders by public authority, enforcement actions by Governmental Authorities or changes in Applicable Laws, the non-completion of the ETH Network Upgrades, flood, extraordinary weather conditions, earthquake, or other act of God, fire, war, insurrection, riot, labor dispute, accident, action of government, communications, power failure, or equipment or software malfunction or any other cause beyond PTL’s reasonable control (each, a “Force Majeure Event”). 

   Client acknowledges and agrees that no affiliate of PTL shall have any liability or obligation of any nature whatsoever in connection with or under this Loan Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby, and the Client hereby waives and releases all claims related to any such liability or obligation to the maximum extent allowed by law. 


Article 22 (Agreed Jurisdiction)

This Loan Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Japan. Any dispute arising out of or related to this Loan Agreement shall be settled through arbitration and complied with rules and regulations established and governed by The Second Tokyo Bar Association Arbitration Center (“Center”) in Japan. Settlement of a dispute assessed by an arbitrator assigned by the Center shall be final and binding upon the parties. 

Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that Applicable Law requires a case to be settled by a court, Tokyo Summary Court or the Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive jurisdictional court of the first instance, depending on the amount sued.

Article 23 (Entire Agreement)

This Loan Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all previous discussions, correspondence, negotiations, arrangements, understandings and agreements between them relating to its subject matter. In the even any provision of this Loan Agreement conflicts with the Service Terms, the provisions of this Loan Agreement shall prevail. Each party acknowledges that in entering into this Agreement it does not rely on, and shall have no remedies in respect of, any representation or warranty (whether made innocently or negligently) that is not set out in this Loan Agreement.


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