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イーサリアム貸暗号資産取引説明書 Transaction Manual for Ethereum Loan for Consumption Agreement

English follows Japanese

*English version is a referential translation of the original Japanese version of the Transaction Manual for Ethereum Loan for Consumption Agreement. In the case of discrepancy between the English version and the original Japanese version of the Transaction Manual for Ethereum Loan for Consumption Agreement, the original Japanese version shall prevail.

本説明書は、Payward Trading Ltd(以下「PTL」といいます。)及びPayward Asia株式会社(以下「PA」といい、PTLとPAを合わせて「Kraken」といいます。)が取扱うイーサリアム貸暗号資産サービス(ステーキング・サービス)(以下「本サービス」といいます。)及びお客様とPTLが締結するイーサリアム消費貸借契約(以下「本取引」といいます。)に関する取引内容及びリスク等の重要情報について記載したものです。本サービスのご利用に当たっては、本説明書の内容を熟読し、十分にご理解ください。 




Ⅰ 本取引の対象となる暗号資産についてのリスク     

  1. 本取引の対象となる暗号資産は、本邦通貨又は外国通貨ではありません。
  2. 暗号資産は、代価の弁済を受ける者の同意がある場合に限り代価の弁済のために使用することができます。
  3. 本取引の対象となる暗号資産は、特定の国、者及びKrakenによりその価値を保証されていません。
  4. 本取引の対象となる暗号資産は、暗号資産の移転の仕組みの破たんその他の理由により無価値となる可能性があります。
  5. 暗号資産の価値は、暗号資産取引の需給バランスとともに、様々な外部環境の変化により日々刻々と変動しています。天災地変、戦争、政変、規制強化、他の類似の暗号資産の相場状況、また、予期せぬ特殊な事象などにより暗号資産の価格が急激に変動し、大きく下落する可能性があり、結果として、暗号資産の価値が購入時の価格を大きく下回るおそれがあります。また、法定通貨との交換が完全に停止する措置がとられるなどの場合、暗号資産の価値がゼロとなる可能性もあります。そのため、本取引は、取引対象である暗号資産の価格の変動を直接の原因として損失が生ずるおそれがあります。
  6. 暗号資産は、国・地域における法令その他の規制により、当該国・地域において利用又は保有が制限されることがあります。
  7. 本取引の対象となる暗号資産は、暗号技術を用いて移転を記録する暗号資産であるため、暗号化されたデータを復号するために必要な情報(秘密鍵、ユーザーネーム及びパスワードを含みますが、これに限りません。)を喪失した場合には、暗号資産へのアクセスや他者への移転をすることができず、その価値が失われることがあります。また、当該情報を他者に知られた場合には、利用者の意思に関わらず移転、交換、取引等されるおそれがあります。
  8. ハードフォーク・ソフトフォーク・Reorganizationその他ブロックチェーンに関するイベント(以下まとめて「フォーク等」といいます。)により暗号資産が分岐し、相互に互換性がなくなるリスクや取引が遡って無効になるリスク、大幅な価値下落が発生するリスクがあります。Krakenが定める分岐日時前後には、これらのリスクに鑑み当社の定める期間、暗号資産の消費貸借契約の申込、売買又は交換、送付等ができなくなる可能性があります。分岐した暗号資産及び分岐に伴う新たな暗号資産の取扱いの有無や取扱いの範囲についてはKrakenが決定します。その結果、お客様に不利となる場合がありますが、当社では、当該取引制限措置により発生した損失について責任を負いません。なお、フォーク等で発生する現象が事前に判明した場合には、当該事実及び当社の対応方法を速やかに当社サービスサイト又はメールでお客様に周知します。ただし、本取引に関連するETH及びEthreum2.0に関するハードフォークについては、本約款の定めに従うものとします。

Ⅱ イーサリアム・ネットワーク・アップグレードに関するリスク 

  1. イーサリアム・ネットワーク・アップグレードとは、主にプルーフ・オブ・ステーク(対象の暗号資産を保有することでブロックチェーン上のトランザクションの検証・承認プロセスに貢献し、その貢献に対して報酬を得ることができる仕組み)の実装を主要な目的として行われるイーサリアムのブロックチェーン・プロトコルのアップグレードのことをいいます。当該イーサリアム・ネットワーク・アップグレードによりビーコンチェーン上でEthreum 2.0(イーサリアム2.0。以下「ETH2」といいます。なお、お客様の取引画面上では、2022年9月16日以降「ETH」と表示されます。)が割り当てられることとなります。
  2. 当該イーサリアム・ネットワーク・アップグレードが完全に完了するまでに数年かかる可能性、最終的に当該アップグレードが完了しなくなる(完全に完了しない場合も含みます。以下同じ。)可能性、お客様が口座を有するPAにおいてETH2の取扱いを開始するための法令に則った手続きの履行に相当程度の期間を要する可能性、及び、最終的にPAによるETH2の取扱いが認められない可能性があり、お客様が当初予定していた期間で貸借物が返還されない可能性があります。
  3. 最終的に当該イーサリアム・ネットワーク・アップグレードが完了しなくなった場合、又は、PAがETH2を取り扱わないことが決定した場合(当局によりETH2の取扱いが承認されなかった場合を含みますが、これに限りません。)、お客様は、ETH2(貸し出したETHと同数量のETH2、及び、本約款に基づき貸借料aとして算定されたETH2を含みます。)を受け取ることができません(なお、貸借料の意義及びその種類(貸借料a及び貸借料b)等については、下記Ⅴ3(6)をご参照ください。以下同様です。)。

Ⅲ 本取引におけるリスク等 

  1. 本取引内容の変更に関するリスク
  2. 売却、移転、出庫不可に関するリスク
  3. 中途解約不可に関するリスク
  4. PTLによる暗号資産の中途返還リスク
  5. 分別管理の対象とならないことによるリスク
  6. 法令変更リスク
    将来的に、法令、税制又は政策の変更等により、本取引が禁止、制限の強化等がなされ、 暗号資産の保有や取引が制限され、又は現状より不利な取扱いとなる可能性があります。この場合、全ての暗号資産の喪失を含め、お客様に予期しない損失が生じる可能性があります。

Ⅳ その他のリスク等 

  1. 当社が提供する暗号資産取引は、電子情報処理組織を用いて取引及び管理を行うため、情報通信ネットワークや情報システム等の悪用により、サイバー空間を経由して行われる不正侵入、情報の窃取、改ざんや破壊、情報システムの作動停止や誤作動、不正プログラムの実行やDDoS攻撃等の、いわゆるサイバー攻撃により、暗号資産の一部又は全部が盗難、窃盗、損壊、滅失する可能性があります。
  2. 取引システム又は暗号資産交換業者とお客様とを結ぶ通信回線等が正常に作動しないことにより、消費貸借の申込、確認等が行えない可能性があります。
  3. PTLが盗難その他の理由により利用者から借り受けた暗号資産を紛失し、利用者への補てんを行わなければならない事態が生じた場合、Krakenの財政が破たんし、お客様に十分な補てんを行うことができない可能性があります。
  4. Krakenは、お客様又はいかなる第三者に対しても、法令で必要とされる範囲を超えて、特別損害、間接損害、結果的損害、又はその他のあらゆる種類の損害(使用不能、利益喪失、データ喪失を含むがこれに限定されない)について、一切の責任を負いません。
  5. Krakenは、(a)(i)いかなる情報若しくは(ii)情報の送信若しくは配信の不正確さ、エラー、遅延、又は(b) 洪水、異常気象、地震、その他の天災地変、火災、戦争、暴動、労働争議、事故、政府の行動、通信、停電、機器、ソフトウェアの故障又は暗号資産の価値移転記録の仕組みにおける記録処理の遅延を含むがこれらに限定されないKrakenが合理的に制御できない事象、又はKrakenが合理的に制御できないその他の原因(それぞれを「不可抗力事象」といいます)に起因する損失又は損害について責任を負いません。

Ⅴ 取引概要等

  1. 取引主体であるPTL及びPAの概要
    Payward Trading Ltd.は、c/o SHRM Trustees (BVI) Limited, Trinity Chambers, Ora et Labora Building, Road Town, Tortola, VG1110, British Virgin Islandsに所在する法人です。
    Payward Asia株式会社は、東京都千代田区二番町9−3に所在し、本邦で暗号資産交換業者として登録を受けた法人です。
    両法人は、いずれも米国カリフォルニア州に所在するPayward Inc.を最終親会社としています。
  2. 暗号資産(ETH)の概要
  3. 取引の内容
    ETH2の概要につきましては、Ethreum.orgの公式ウェブサイト(もご参照ください。本サービスの利用には、PAが定める「利用規約」に基づき、登録ユーザーとして登録され、ユーザー口座(以下「本口座」といいます。)を開設いただくことが必要です。お申し込みは、本口座の取引画面から可能です。  暗号資産の貸出し申請から貸出し完了までの内容については以下のとおりです。
    本口座の取引画面から貸し出すETHの数量(当社が別途指定する最低数量以上の数量)を指定して申請し、当社での受理をもって、お客様とPTLとの間で当該申請に係る暗号資産の消費貸借契約(以下「本契約」といいます。)が成立し、貸出し開始となります。また、取引開始後別途定める最低貸出期間(bonding period)を経過の後はじめて貸借料が算定されることとなります。
    (4) 中途解約
    (5) 暗号資産の返却及び貸借料等の支払い

(i) 貸借料aは、ETH2ネットワーク・アップグレードが完全に完了し、かつ、PAにおいてETH 2の取扱いが可能となる手続が完了した場合としてPAがお客様に通知したことを条件として権利が確定し、PTLよりお客様の本口座へ支払われます。

(ii) 貸借料bは、イーサリアム暗号資産消費貸借契約約款に基づき計算され、当該計算が完了した後合理的な期間内に、PTLよりお客様の本口座へ支払われます。

4. お申込受付時間

5. 取引等の確認及び報告

6. ハードフォーク
当社のハードフォーク及びハードフォークにより新たに作られる暗号資産への対応指針並びにお客さまへの伝達方法については、当社契約前締結書面所定の“計画されたハードフォークにかかる対応方針”(以下「ハードフォーク対応方針」といいます。)をご確認ください。Krakenは、特定のハードフォーク、エアドロップ又は新たに暗号資産等が配布される類似の現象について、これらにより発生する暗号資産等を取り扱うかどうかを任意に決定することができ、必ずしも当該暗号資産等を取り扱う義務を負わず、また、仮に当該暗号資産等を取り扱う場合には本契約が適用されることになります。Kraken は、当該暗号資産等の代わりに同等の日本円を配布することを選択することもできます。ただし、当該記載にかかわらず、本取引に関連するETH及びETH2に関するハードフォークについては、ETH2暗号資産消費貸借約款及び本取引説明書の定めに従うものとし、これらの書面に記載がない場合は、前記のハードフォーク対応方針に則って取り扱われるものとします。

7. 貸借料

8. 苦情に関する対応

    • お取引内容に関するご確認、ご相談や苦情等につきましては、当社ウェブサイト又は電子メールアドレスを通じてお申し出ください。当社の相談及び苦情処理の業務運用体制及び社内規則は、当社ウェブサイトにてご確認ください。
    • また、お取引についてのトラブル等は、以下のADR()機関における紛争解決のご利用も可能です。
      ① 名称:東京弁護士会紛争解決センター
        所在地:〒100-0013 東京都千代田区霞が関1-1-3 弁護士会館6階
      ② 名称:第一東京弁護士会仲裁センター
          所在地:〒100-0013 東京都千代田区霞が関1-1-3 弁護士会館11階
      ③ 名称:第二東京弁護士会仲裁センター
          所在地:〒100-0013 東京都千代田区霞が関1-1-3 弁護士会館9階
    • 暗号資産交換業に係る認定資金決済事業者協会である一般社団法人日本暗号資産取引業協会でも苦情を受付けております。
      対応時間:月~金曜日 9:30~17:00【祝日(振替休日を含む)及び年末年始(12月29日~1月3日)を除く】当社概要
      商号:Payward Asia 株式会社
      暗号資産交換業者 関東財務局長 第00022号
      加入協会 一般社団法人 日本暗号資産取引業協会当社の業務報告書・直近の財務書類・監査報告書の内容は以下のURLをご参照ください。



This explanatory document is provided by Payward Trading Limited (“PTL”) and Payward Asia Inc (“PAI”) (PTL and PAI together “Kraken” or “We”) for the purpose of providing users entering into a contract for Ethereum Loan for Consumption (the “Transaction”) with important information regarding such Transaction and the risks involved. This document is a summary document provided for informational purposes only, Transactions are governed by the terms of the Terms and Conditions of Ethereum Loan for Consumption Agreement.

Please thoroughly read the contents of this manual, the “Terms and Conditions of Ethereum Loan for Consumption Agreement” and the “Documents to be Delivered Prior to the Conclusion of a Contract” prior to entering into any Transaction. 

By entering into a Transaction you acknowledge and agree that you have read and understood this manual and the risk involved in the Transaction. 

Risks and other important matters concerning the Transaction

I  Risks related to crypto assets subject to the Transaction

(1) Crypto assets subject to the Transaction are not Japanese fiat currency or foreign fiat currency.

(2) Crypto assets may be used as payment means only if there is the consent of the party receiving the crypto assets as payment means.

(3) Crypto assets subject to the Transaction are not guaranteed in value by any particular country, person or Kraken.

(4) Crypto assets subject to the Transaction may become worthless due the bankruptcy of the crypto asset transfer mechanism or for other reasons.

(5) The value of crypto assets fluctuates daily due to changes in various external environments or external factors as well as the supply-demand balance of crypto asset transactions. Natural disasters, wars, political changes, tightening regulations, market conditions for other similar crypto assets, or other unexpected special events could cause the price of crypto assets to fluctuate sharply and fall significantly. The value of crypto assets may fall significantly below the price at the time of purchase at any time. Additionally, the value of crypto assets may become zero if measures are taken to completely halt the exchange of the crypto asset with fiat currency. As a result, there is a risk that a client entering into the Transaction will incur significant losses due to fluctuations in the prices of the crypto asset.

(6) The use or possession of crypto assets may be restricted by laws and regulations in any specific country or territory.

(7) The Transaction involves crypto assets transacted using cryptography. If you lose the necessary information (including, but not limited to, a private key and/or username and password) for decrypting the crypto-data, you may not be able to access-, or transfer the crypto asset to others, leading to the complete loss of the asset, or value of the asset. Additionally, if such information is known to others, the assets may be accessed, transferred, exchanged, or otherwise transacted without your permission, or knowledge.

(8) There is a risk that crypto assets may diverge due to a hard-fork, soft-fork and or a reorganization, or other blockchain event (collectively “Forks”). As an effect of Forks, cross-compatibility may be lost, transactions may be invalidated retroactively, and the value of the crypto asset may decline sharply. Before, or after the fork date as determined by us, you may not be able to apply for an Ethereum Loan for Consumption Agreement during a time period specified by us, in our sole discretion. Kraken will, in its sole discretion, determine whether or not new crypto assets related to Forks will be supported, and the extent of such support.  Kraken will endeavor to, but is not required to, inform customers of any known upcoming Forks through our website or via the email address we have on file for you. Kraken shall not be liable for any losses incurred as a result of any actions taken, or not taken by Kraken in the event of Forks. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the foregoing, the anticipated ETH Network Upgrades resulting in a hard fork of ETH into ETH2 covered by the Transaction shall be governed by the provisions of  the “Terms and Conditions of Ethereum Loan for Consumption Agreement”


II  Risks related to the ETH Network Upgrades

(1) The ETH Network Upgrade refers to the upgrades done to the Ethereum blockchain protocol primarily for the purpose of implementing proof-of-stake. The upgrade will result in the allocation of Ethereum 2.0 (“ETH2” For the avoidance of doubt, it is displayed as “ETH” on the trading screen of the Client’s Account from Sep 16, 2022.) on the beacon chain.

(2) There is a risk that the ETH Network Upgrade will take several years to fully complete, that it will not be completed at all, that PAI may not be able to implement support for ETH2, or that PAI’s implementation of support for ETH2 may take considerable time, resulting in the Loan Items not being returned in the time period originally anticipated by you. 

(3) In the event that the ETH Network Upgrade is not completed, or if PAI decides not to support ETH2 (for any reason, including but not limited to failing to obtain regulatory approval of the crypto asset) you are not eligible to receive ETH2 (including the ETH2 equivalent of the ETH borrowed by PTL, or any calculated Usage Fee A as per the “Terms and Conditions of Ethereum Loan for Consumption Agreement”) (Please refer to V3(6) below about the Usage Fees and their types (Usage Fee A and Usage Fee B), etc.).


III Risks related to the Transaction

 (1)  Risks associated with changes to the terms and conditions of the Transaction.

We may change the terms and conditions, including, but not limited to, the amount and calculation of usage fees, and Kraken administrative fees related to the Transaction at any time in our sole discretion. Accordingly, you may receive less usage fees than originally anticipated by you, or no usage fees at all.

 (2) Risk of not being able to sell, transfer, withdraw or use.

You are not able to sell, transfer, withdraw, or otherwise use the crypto assets during the lending period (and any tail period required to return the crypto assets to you).

 (3) Non-cancelable risk

You may not terminate the Transaction during the lending period. 

(4) Risk of mid-term return of crypto assets by PTL

PTL may terminate the Transaction and return the crypto assets at any time, if there is any compelling reason. In the event PTL terminates the Transaction prior to the end of the lending period, PTL may be required to pay no usage fees at all. Accordingly, you may receive no usage fees at all. 

(5) Risks crypto assets not being subject to segregated management

Crypto assets borrowed by PTL are not subject to segregated management by Kraken as a crypto asset exchange business operator under the Payment Services Act. Your crypto assets do not have priority repayment rights. If PTL declares bankruptcy, or becomes subject to receivership, during the lending period, the crypto assets lent by customers may be incorporated into PTL’s bankruptcy foundation, and Kraken may not be able to return all, or a portion of such crypto assets to you.

(6) Legal change risk

Future changes in laws, taxes or policies could prohibit, tighten restrictions on, or otherwise restrict the Transaction, restrict the ownership or trading of crypto assets, or result in less favorable treatment than currently existing. In this case, customers may experience unexpected losses including full loss of the crypto assets.


IV Other risks

(1) Because the crypto asset transactions that we provide are conducted and managed using electronic data processing systems, there is a possibility that some or all of the crypto assets may be stolen, damaged or destroyed due to so-called cyber-attacks, including, but not limited to, unauthorized intrusions, information theft, falsification or destruction, suspension or malfunction of information systems, or the introduction of unauthorized programs and viruses, or DDoS attacks.

(2) Due to the failure of communication lines linking transaction systems, and/or crypto asset exchange business operations with you, you may not be able to apply for, confirm or otherwise interact with the Ethereum Loan for Consumption service or the Transaction.

(3) If Kraken suffers a loss of crypto assets borrowed from customers due to theft or other reasons and is compelled to compensate clients, Kraken’s finances may fail, and we may not be able to provide sufficient compensation to you.

(4) Kraken assumes, to the maximum extent allowed by law, no liability towards you or any third party for any special, indirect or consequential damages, or any other damages of any kind, including but not limited to loss of use, loss of profits or loss of data. 

(5) Kraken shall not be liable for (a) any inaccuracy, error, delay in, or omission of (i) any information, or (ii) the transmission or delivery of information; (b) any loss or damage arising from any event beyond Kraken’s reasonable control, including but not limited to flood, extraordinary weather conditions, earthquake, or other act of God, fire, war, insurrection, riot, labor dispute, accident, action of government, communications, power failure, or equipment or software malfunction or any other cause beyond Kraken’s reasonable control (each, a “Force Majeure Event”).


V General Information

  1. Overview of PTL and PAI, the main business partners
    Payward Trading Ltd., c/o SHRM Trustees (PTL) Limited is a corporation domiciled in Trinity Chambers, Ora et Labora Building, Road Town, Tortola, VG1110, British Virgin Islands.Payward Asia Inc., a Kabushiki Kaisha located at 9-3 Nibancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, and registered as a crypto asset exchange business operator in Japan.The two companies share Payward Inc., (California, U.S.A.) as their ultimate beneficial owner.
  2. Description of crypto assets
    For a description of the crypto assets subject to the Transaction, please refer to the “取扱仮想通貨の概要説明書(Overview of Supported Crypto Assets) section of our website (
  3. Description of the TransactionGeneral
    The Transaction allows customers to lend crypto assets to PTL under a Loan for Consumption Agreement. The Transaction intends to allow customers to indirectly participate in staking in support of the upgrade to the Ethereum blockchain protocol. The upgrade is primarily for the purpose of implementing proof-of-stake. If successfully completed, the upgrade will result in the allocation of Ethereum 2.0 (“ETH2”) on the beacon chain.
    Staking means a mechanism whereby a holder of a crypto asset can contribute to the verification and approval process for transactions on the block chain by voting their staked crypto asset and receive rewards for the contributions. This verification and approval process is referred to as “Proof-of-stake”.By using crypto assets involved in the Transaction as the source of funds, if the upgrade to the Ethereum blockchain protocol described above is successfully completed, PTL will be able to convert ETH into the equivalent amount of ETH2 on the beacon chain by tying ETH to a deposit contract. PTL will pay transacting clients all, or part of the rewards as a usage fee.For a summary of ETH2, please also refer to the Ethereum Foundations official website ( order for you to enter into a Transaction you must first register a user account with PAI (the “Account”) in accordance with the “Terms and Conditions of Use” stipulated by PAI in advance.

An application to enter into a Transaction can be made from the transaction screen of the Account. The details of the process from the application to enter into a Transaction to the completion of such a Transaction are as follows;

(i) Sending or transfer of crypto assets to the Account
Transfer the amount of crypto assets you want to use in applying for a Transaction to the Account, or purchase the crypto assets on the provided platform.
(ii) Application for crypto assets
When the customer specifies the quantity of crypto assets (not to be less than the minimum quantity separately specified by PTL) to be lent from the trading screen of the Account, submits an application, and PTL accepts the application, a Loan for Consumption Agreement for the crypto assets pertaining to the application is concluded between the customer and PTL, and lending begins. The Usage Fee is calculated as of the minimum lending term (bonding period) specified separately upon entering into the Transaction.
(iii) Transaction Balance
The balance of the Transaction can be viewed in the Account. The balance of ETH2.S signifies the same quantity of ETH for which the Loan for Consumption Agreement was concluded. ETH2.S only represents the quantity of ETH being loaned, it cannot be traded, sold, used or transferred.
(iv) Early termination
Client may not terminate during the term of the Transaction.
PTL may terminate the Transaction at any time if there is any compelling reason. PTL shall return the crypto assets of the same quantity and type, or the equivalent of the quantity or type. In this case, the Usage Fee (if any) will not be paid to the Client.
(v) Return of crypto assets and payment of Usage Fee, etc.
Upon expiration of the term of the Transaction, crypto assets of the same quantity and type, or the equivalent of the quantity or type shall be returned, and the Usage Fee A (if any) shall be paid as per the Terms and Conditions of Ethereum Loan for Consumption Agreement. The returned crypto assets will be determined by Kraken, but, as a matter of principle, it will be ETH2 if; (a) the upgrade to the Ethereum blockchain protocol has been fully implemented, and; (b) Kraken fully supports ETH2 (such support is contingent on, successful reviews of ETH2 by PAI and notifications to, and approvals by Japan Virtual and Crypto assets Exchange Association). Alternatively, if Kraken determines, in its sole discretion, that (a) the upgrade to the Ethereum blockchain protocol has not, or will not be fully implemented, or; (b) if it is determined that PAI will not be able to fully support ETH2, the returned crypto assets will be ETH.
(vi) Usage Fee
The Usage Fee as used herein means, prior to September 16, 2022, the following “Usage Fee A”, and on and after September 16, 2022, the following “Usage Fee A” and “Usage Fee B” individually or collectively.

① Any applicable Usage Fee A will be paid by PTL to the client subject to, and at such time, (a) the full implementation of the upgrade to the Ethereum blockchain protocol has been completed, and (b) Kraken has implemented full support for ETH2. In the event that it is determined by Kraken, in its sole discretion, at any time, that either (a), or (b) may not be fulfilled, no Usage Fee A, including any such fees calculated and/or accrued during the term of the Transaction, shall be owed or paid to client.

② Any applicable Usage Fee B will be calculated in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of Ethereum Loan for Consumption Agreement and shall, within a reasonable time period after such calculation is completed be paid by PTL to the client.

(4) Application acceptance time

Client may apply for a Ethereum Loan for Consumption 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. However, there may be times when the application process is not available due to maintenance by Kraken or its affiliates, or factors outside of Krakens control.

(5) Confirmation and report of transactions, etc.

Confirmation of the status of a Transaction or application is available in the Account.

(6) Hard fork

Regarding our guidelines for dealing with hard forks and new crypto assets created by hard forks, as well as the method of communicating these to customers, please refer to the “Response Policy for Planned Hard Forks” (hereinafter referred to as “Hard Fork Response Policy”) provided in writing before the conclusion of the Transaction. For avoidance of doubt, You acknowledge that Kraken retains sole discretion and has no obligation to support any particular forks, airdrops or similar distribution. Kraken may, in its sole discretion, elect to distribute the Japanese Yen equivalent of such additional assets to Client. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the planned hard fork of ETH to ETH2 related to the Transaction shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of the Terms and Conditions of Ethereum Loan for Consumption Agreement. Nothing in the foregoing shall be interpreted as Kraken providing custody services (as they may be defined by Japanese law from time to time) of the Loan Items.

(7) Usage Fee

 The Usage Fee will be a portion of the rewards earned by PTL for participating in staking minus an administrative fee charged by PTL. Please refer to the Kraken website ( and the Terms and Conditions of Ethereum Loan for Consumption Agreement regarding the Usage Fee. 

4.Response to complaints

  • Please contact us via our website or e-mail address for any confirmation, consultation or complaint regarding the content of your transaction. Please check our business operation system and internal rules for consultations and complaint processing on our website.
    The following ADR(*) agencies can also be used to resolve disputes related to business transactions.

    • (i) Name: Tokyo Bar Association Dispute Resolution Center
      Location: 6F, 1-1-3 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0013
      Contact: 03-3581-0031
    • URL:
    • (ii) Name: Dai-ichi Tokyo Bar Association Arbitration Center
      Address: 11F, , 1-1-3 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0013
      Contact: 03-3595-8588
    • URL:
    • (iii) Name: Dai-ni Tokyo Bar Association Arbitration Center
      Location: 9F, , 1-1-3 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0013
      Contact: 03-3581-2249
    • URL: 

*ADR is a system of resolving disputes outside of court. It refers to a procedure involving a fair third party to resolve such disputes for the parties to the dispute seeking to resolve civil disputes without relying on litigation proceedings.


  • Japan Virtual and Crypto assets Exchange Association, an authorized fund settlement business association related to crypto asset exchange business, also accepts complaints.Japan Virtual and Crypto assets Exchange Association
    Complaint reception form:
    Response Time: Monday-Friday 9:30-17:00 [excluding holidays and  substitute holidays and New Year (December 29-January 3)]Company name: Payward Asia Inc
    Head Office Location: 9-3, Nibancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
    Crypto Asset Exchange Business Operator, Kanto Local Finance Bureau No. 00022
    Member: Japan Virtual and Crypto assets Exchange Association
    Please refer to the URLs below for the details of our business reports and the most recent financial statements and audit reports URL: 


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